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Merch Is Available!

I’m happy to announce that merch is available! You’ll find a long sleeve shirt and a sticker with 2 types with the same design. By purchasing merch you’re helping to support Oreo and myself. You’re also helping us save up money to build a parrot sanctuary.

A hoodie with the stargazer design is coming soon…

The sticker is a cartoon version of Oreo and myself. You can buy an indoor version or a waterproof version to be used on vehicles and water bottles.

A cartoonish sticker of Zack and Oreo.

The long sleeve shirt is Oreo stargazing with his head tilted up towards the sky. Behind him is a star filled galaxy. Arching above him in sci-fi like letters is the word stargazer.

Oreo the Stargazer.

If you run into trouble with purchasing merch please E-mail me at

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