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Make sure to visit other parts of the toolbox like RTFM and linked.

              Once upon a time before I had my own handy website I’d spend hours locating and downloading pesky EXE files to get machines up and running. I’ve been gathering all the tools and services I like to use into a central location and figured I’d share it with anyone who needs it. Having this page is excellent in case where I’m needing to use someone else’s machine and don’t want to spend time browsing the web with Narrator. I just drop in over here and grab NVDA and we’re off to the races.

              Most of these are out of date but that’s why I kept them around. I know they’re versions that works with screen readers right out of the box. I can’t promise that’s still true but here’s hoping.

***By downloading and using anything from this page you agree that I’m not responsible for any damages or problems. You do so at your own risk. I’ve done my best to verify these files are safe and I’ve installed them myself with no problems. I’m not responsible for any damages caused by what you do with these. I’m also not responsible for how you use them. You’re an adult and what you do with certain applications is at your discretion.***

Screen Readers:

Screen readers allow blind or visually impaired people use computers via text to speech. This gives them the ability to browse the web, check E-mail, build websites, program, read books and all the other cool things that computers can do. Use your imagination and most of the time screen readers will be able to do it. As long as applications are made accessible from the start.

It’s nice to have old installs of screen readers in case you need to roll back to stay compatible with certain applications. For example the newer versions of NVDA don’t work with certain text to speech engines.

NVDA is a free, open source, community driven screen reader. There’s no reason your windows machine shouldn’t have NVDA installed on it.

File management:

Tor and VPN’S:

Keep browsing while staying protected.


  • ChromeSetup.exe: Chrome works pretty well with screen readers.
  • Firefox Installer.exe: Use firefox when you care about your privacy. It’s what most screen readers use when other browsers aren’t working at random.


  • Thunder Bird: This is a pretty handy free E-mail client.
  • Discord: Voice chat with friends, send files and text until your fingers bleed.

Audio production:


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