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Holiday Toy Drive for Seattle Childrens Hospital

There are many children and their families who aren’t at home enjoying the holidays. They’re battling disease, cancers and disorders in a medical care center. I always try to help raise awareness and funds for Seattle Childrens Hospital and it’s that time again.

I grew up in and out of SCH and they do their best to make sure kiddos get presents during the holidays. They also cook some amazing holiday dinners which is a wonderful touch during a time of stress and sadness.

Help bring a smile to a child’s face and help make their care givers more comfortable with a donation of items or money. Allow parents or caregivers to leave the hospital to grab some lunch or dinner, a cup of coffee or get some personal time for a haircut or massage.

Here’s How To Donate

Amazon Wish List for Children!

This wish list has a vast amount of gifts requested by the residence of SCH. These gifts will be passed out and will give kiddos something to think about besides their stress and pain.

Care Giver Wish List!

Being a caregiver for a child in the hospital can be extremely heart breaking and stressful. They often don’t have time to run out to a store to pick up needed items or comfort items. The hospital tries to keep things on hand like soap, basic clothing and daily life necessities. Help provide some relief and happiness for parents and caregivers.

Ship online gifts!

New toys and items purchased can be mailed directly to:
Seattle Children’s In-Kind Donations
M/S RC.3.800
4800 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105

Donate Money!

Thank You!

As someone who’s been in the hospital during the holidays I sincerely thank you for any donations you give. You’re a wonderful person and you’re making it easier for these kids and their families to smile and find happiness.

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